Tuesday, September 27, 2011

See Jared Debut

Debuts are fun, right? Well, not all of them. But some of them are. For some unknown reason, more people would rather watch The Lion King again, only this time in 3D!, then go see a FILM about the man who single handedly revolutionized the way that teams are built, stats are valued, and money is spent. Thus, the debut of Money Ball fell sort of flat.

But I intend to start strong, and continue on. Those of you who have followed me here from the various social networking sites know that basically, in terms of opinions, I have three rules: 1. You only get one. Stand by it. Defend it. 2. If it sucks I'm going to tell you about it. And finally 3. Understand that there is a good chance that it is wrong when compared to my opinion. These are the rules. They are simple. They are steadfast. You don't have to like them. Just please, follow them and respect their authority and weight.

Basically, I only speak on things that I feel I am a Special Master With Gravitas in regards to.

I will talk about sports, social trends, the media, things that are popular that should be, things that are popular that shouldn't be, and things that are not popular that should not be.

And no, not being popular is not the same as being unpopular. Things that are unpopular are always popular. Mostly because it is popular to dislike the unpopular thing. Follow along as you See Me Write.

For example:

1. The Pittsburgh Steelers are intensely unpopular where I live and grew up in Northeast Ohio. However, there will always be counterculture dissenters. It then becomes popular to LIKE them because it is also popular to DISLIKE them. You cannot have one without the other. Popularity and Unpopularity exist always simultaneously and there is very little difference. For other examples, see Cowboys, Dallas and Yankees, New York.

2. People hate the Radical Religious Right. In fact, with Liberals (such as I) they are downright Unpopular.  Why? Because their popularity boomed in the last 8-12 years. Thus, and without coincidence, their Unpopularity burst into a fury of bright blue fireworks that spelled out "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". For other examples, see Jeans, Skinny and Bands, Boy.

Point? Nothing becomes popular without being unpopular. It's like when you talk about an athlete, food, film, song, artist, whatever, and you say that that thing is "overrated". Sometimes, someone's underrated-ness becomes overrated. Thus making that thing, person, etc. also overrated at the same time. These things are all the same. This however, is not always the case. Something is TRULY under or overrated if it is only lauded by a small percentage of the population.

Enough of that.

Basically, this is what you can expect. I plan on being cynical. You can bet on me being profane. And I promise I will aggravate you. But I entertain discussion. Thrive on it, actually. And I will respond. I will try not to hurt your feelings. And if you bore me, I simply will delete you from my life. My Followers on other social media know this to be true. I am consistent.

Hope to "see" you here often. I hope to do this a couple of times weekly. I generally have a lot to say.

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